Sunday, March 2, 2008

Battle System

Image a 100x100x100 cube. It's the universe and you own a galaxy at one spot. At each spot is 4 areas. You have battalions, as many as you like, and each battalion has to be in an area. A person may have no more than two of their battalions to an area. An unlimited amount of battalions may be in one area though.

Each area is named 1,2,3, and 4. You may only damage another galaxy in area four of the galaxy. These areas exist where there is no galaxy also. It takes five hours to travel from area to area for a battalion. You may only go up or down one at a time. For going to another galaxy or deep space, it takes 24 hours and you go to area one. You don't have a distance limit for going to different galaxies.

Say 6 battalions 3 vs. 3. They are all in one area. When a battalion is in an area with other battalions, it can target them. It can target an unlimited amount but it has to order them numberwise. (When a battle happens it can only attack five) So say on one side of the conflict is battalions A,B, and C. On the other is X,Y, and Z. So, battalion A can target X, Y, and Z.

Eventually, somebody is going to start a battle in that area. When that happens, nobody may enter and nobody may leave or do anything during the battle. It's all automated. Those who came in first get first attack and those who came in last get last battles. So say they came in as A,X,Y,B,Z,C. The targets are as follows:

A: 1X, 2Y, 3Z
B: 1Y, 2X, 3Z
C: 1Z, 2Y, 3X
X: 1A, 2B, 3C
Y: 1A, 2B, 3C
Z: 1A, 2B, 3C

So battalion A attacks X, meaning X is in an attack.
X is already in a battle.
Y can't attack A. It can attack B, and thus.
B is already in a battle.
Z can't attack A. Z can't attack B. It can attack C, and thus.
C is already in a battle.

Thus ends round one of the battle. Round two starts. Targets are rearranged taking out already done battles.

A: 2Y, 3Z
B: 2X, 3Z
C: 2Y, 3X
X: 2B, 3C
Y: 1A, 3C
Z: 1A, 2B

A attacks Y
X attacks B
Y is in a battle
B is in a battle
Z can't attack A. Z can't attack C. It can't attack.
C's targets are also taken.

The next round goes like that over and over again until every battalion is out of targets or went five times.

It's not that complex when it's a one on one battle. It's just one battle and it ends.

There is 24 hours of cease-fire after the battle. Each round goes 10 minutes each.

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